Why Cheap is Almost Always More Expensive Saving money is important, but spending money wisely with long-term benefit is more important. Some items we buy may be cheaper upfront, but actually cost you more in the long run. Spending more upfront for a better quality, longer-lasting product may be wiser. Like my father used to
VacuClamp Delivers FPC-1000 to Jet Manufacturer
In 2013, VacuClamp was honored to receive a purchase order from private, custom jet manufacturer Dassault Falcon Jet. We engineered, manufactured and ultimately delivered the FT800M, a heated membrane press that assisted the client with the successful forming and veneering of parts for aircraft manufacturing. That press is still operation today however newer planes require
April Sale of Pro-Glue Products Extended Through April
Thanks for all of your continued support for Pro-Glue Products and for this we will extend our spring sale to the end of April. Mark Cowdell Vac-u-Clamp President
Pro-Glue Veneer Softener Easter Sale – $5 off
For your continued patronage & support of Vac-u-Clamp, please enjoy $5 off 1 Gal & 1 Qt Veneer Softener . Discount received at cart check out. We appreciate your business.
Pro-Glue PVA Easter Sale – $5 & $2 off
For your continued business & patronage, please enjoy a $5 discount on PVA 1 Gal & $2 discount on PVA 1 Qt. Discount received at cart check out. We appreciate your business.
Understanding Vacuum Pressure and How it Relates to Forming, Laminating & Veneering
The term vacuum pressure is complex and often misunderstood. Kinda like understanding diamonds. Consequently, it is commonly misapplied when discussing pressure measurements. Basically pressure is the exertion of force onto an object, in our case, a cabinet door, MDF or formed plastic for an auto or airplane console. Vacuum pressure by definition is the “space
Vac-u-Clamp – Used Equipment
Business cycles often present circumstances where a owner operator desires to sell their older equipment back to the manufacturer. Some want to upgrade an old FT-800 to newer faster FT-900 or perhaps the business is closing for retirement reasons. Sometimes a people want to upgrads to a higher production FT-1200. In these situations, Vac-u-clamp may
A Letter from the President
I’d like to introduce myself to you as the new President and CEO of Vac-u-Clamp (a Macow Pacific subsidiary). I am very excited to be leading such a great company into the future and I look forward to collaborating with our customers to leverage new opportunities, to magnify our value solutions and innovation and grow