The SP Series Vacuum Press- Product


Operational Overview: The S/P Series Press is a very versatile vacuum press, excellent for any vacuum laminating,vacuum forming or veneer laminating application. Designed for the woodworking shop on a budget, yet needing a durable, quality vacuum press for high production goals, the S/P Series Vacuum Press is not only an excellent veneer press, but also delivers superior results for wood forming and wood laminating most vacuum press compatible materials. The oil-cooled vacuum pump, which operates at 10 CFM, delivering a near absolute vacuum, is one reason the S/P Series Vacuum Press is such a superior veneer laminating press. Overall, the S/P Series Vacuum press is a true workhorse for any woodworking application suited to vacuum laminating wood and other materials.

  • Veneer laminating
  • Vacuum Forming
  • Vacuum Laminating
  • Wood forming
  • Wood veneering
  • Wood laminating


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